
I am happy to say that of June, 2024
I have times available on Thursdays for new online clients
and on Fridays for in-person sessions in my office
822 Delaware (at 6th Street) in Berkeley
Please do drop me a note here and let me know how I might be helpful.

Also, as of 2024, California now allows teletherapy with clients located out of state
as long as your state permits teletherapy with practitioners out of your state.
So feel free to contact me if that is your situation and I can be of service.

For over four decades now, I have been privileged as a marriage and family therapist

to make a difference
in people's lives
to use all of my gifts

on behalf of others
for healing and wholeness

My current practice is now limited to Thursdays and Fridays,
with Thursdays being exclusively online or phone
and Fridays for traditional in-person therapy in my Delaware Street office.

My background encompasses a number of different models and approaches.  I am most known for being a Jungian-oriented therapist but also important to my professional identity has been

Formal training in pastoral counseling and spiritual direction

Long-term object-relations psychodynamic treatment

Cognitive-behavioral approaches to depression, health and sexuality concerns

Many years of being an "out" gay male therapist and activist in the Bay Area GLBT community.

Best-selling author, public speaker, teacher, supervisor and professional consultant

Does all that make me "eclectic"?  I guess it does!

But I would like to think it makes me well-equipped to help YOU wherever YOU might be in your life. That's what I look forward to talking with you about when we meet.

And please do feel free to check my page here, "Taking Time to Reflect, Making Space for New Growth," where I talk about the various aspects of my own personal approach to psychotherapy, healing and wholeness, for a better sense of how I hold my work as a psychotherapist.

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Start your new path in life and be the change today!